The Islamic Economics Study Program (PSEI) of the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FIAI) of UII was established in 2003 and gained A accreditation in 2019 based on BAN-PT No.2685/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2019. PSEI is the first Islamic Economics study program to obtain operational permit from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in 2003. Graduates will hold the degree of Sarjana Ekonomi/Bachelor of Economics (S.E.).

The PSEI is supported by highly sufficient resources to support the achievement of the vision of becoming a leading study program in the fields of economics, finance and Islamic business in Asian level by 2025. PSEI lecturers include academics, Islamic banking practitioners, BMT practitioners and entrepreneurs with academic qualification who are graduates of various universities that are accredited both inside and outside the country in accordance with their respective scientific field.

The opportunity for the development of Sharia-based business and industry is still very wide open due to the emergence of Sharia product trend in various business and industry sectors such as Islamic banking, Sharia insurance, Sharia pawnshop, Sharia business, Sharia DPLK, and many others. Furthermore, job opportunities in the Islamic public sector are also quite lucrative. This is where the strategic position of PSEI plays its part in the birth of Islamic Economics HR. PSEI graduates have the opportunity to become professional practitioners in finance, Islamic banking and Islamic public finance, businesses, or researches.

The distribution of courses compiled by the Islamic Economics Study can be seen on Curriculum page.