Expected Learning Outcome (ELO)

The ELO of UPIEc-UII is derived from the vision, mission and goals of the university, faculty, and study program. UII graduates are generally described as

“Ulil Albab people with Islamic personality, integrative knowledge, prophetic leadership and transformative skills.”

The details of UPIEc’s ELO described below

ELOs Criteria Type of Characters
Attitude Islamic Behavior and Ethics Able to show the attitude of piety to God Almighty by upholding a trustworthy, professionalism, istiqomah, and communicative attitude as a form of practice of Ulil Albab and Islam rahmatan lil ‘alamin.
Be Inclusive Able to express inclusive worldview and be able to get along in a global society while maintaining an Islamic and Indonesian identity.
Knowledge Integrative Knowledge Understanding the concept of integration of Islamic and Indonesian values ​​in the Islamic Economy in the global era
Understanding of Islamic and conventional economic concepts and theories in solving problems related to economic development and improving people’s welfare.
General Skills Social Awareness Able to carry out contributive programs as an expression of social care in advancing people’s lives
Communication Skill able to be productive and receptive in conveying ideas using Indonesian, English or Arabic in the academic world and the world of work
Exemplary Behavior Able to apply Islamic leadership principles and be a role model in economic behavior in society and the work environment
Spesific Skills Solution Oriented Skills Able to utilize science and technology to provide solutions to real problems in the field of Islamic economics
Diffusion (Transformative) Able to spread ideas and innovations in the field of Islamic economics
Managerial Skills Able to implement Islamic management principles
Analytical Ability Able to analyze and solve Islamic economic and financial problems with quantitative and qualitative approaches
Entrepreneurship Able to internalize the spirit of independence and entrepreneurship in accordance with Islamic economics