About Us

Department of Islamic Economics was established in 2003 as first department offering graduate degree in Islamic economics and finance in Indonesia. As pioneer, the department keeps its quality to meet the current challenges from local, national and international perspective. The department is currently powered by young and potential lecturers and researchers and embodied competitive advantage of being part of Islamic University of Indonesia, first university founded by founding fathers of Indonesia.

Islamic Values
Global Recognition

Strategic Partners

Universities, Goverments, Financial Institutions, Schools, and Others

PSEI Head’s Welcome

Islamics Economic Program Universitas Islam Indonesia

Soya Sobaya, SEI., MM

Head of Study Program of Islamic Economics


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Welcome to the website of the Undergraduate Program of Islamic Economics (UPIEc), Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Hopefully the information presented can help you to get to know UPIEc UII better.

As the first Islamic Economics Study Program in Indonesia, we are committed to making UPIEc FIS UII one of the Leading Study Programs in Economics, Finance and Islamic Business at the Asian Level. To achieve this goal, UPIEc FIS UII has academic staff who have expertise in each field of Islamic banking finance, Islamic Public Finance and Islamic Business. Our curriculum is design with orientation to the achievement of competencies according to the demands of the times. Learning process is carried out by utilizing IT in a pleasant atmosphere and emphasizing active learning so as to create a conducive academic atmosphere.

UPIEc FIS UII graduates have the opportunity to become professional practitioners in the fields of Islamic finance and banking, Islamic public finance, entrepreneurs and young researchers. As an effort to establish competencies that match the needs and standards of the world of work both internally and externally including the demands of the labor market, UPIEc FIS UII is equipped with the Islamic Economics Study and Consultation Center (PK2EI), the Mini Bank laboratory and the first Sharia Capital Market Laboratory (Sharia Investment Gallery) in Indonesia. In addition, collaboration with several Islamic financial institutions, companies and educational institutions both at home and abroad, allows students to be able to go directly into the world of work through internship schemes.

The development of students’ Islamic character is carried out through the formation of noble morals, integrity, and the provision of support to various activities of students’ positive talents in order to explore and develop their potential and creativity. We are committed to forming UPIEc FIS UII Alumni with APIK character: Trustworthy (Amanah), Professional, Consistent (Istiqomah) and Communicative (Komunikatif) in Rahmatan Lil’ Alamin frame.

May Allah SWT guide our steps in achieving His bless. Amen.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


PSEI Objectives 


© 2021 Program Studi Ekonomi Islam | Latest Update on February 3, 2021